- KSAU-HS strategic plan ( Click Here )
- COAMS Strategic Plan
The 2022-2027 Strategic Plan represents the cooperative aspirations of all those in the college. The foundation of the plan is to focus on projects and initiatives that are strategic while recognizing that the college is in the early stages of its growth and development. While some areas may be more operational in nature, others are more long-term and aspirational. The plan is driven by the college's goals and many of its projects help address multiple priorities, in keeping with the college's culture of working together for a general goal. The college's goals are strategic and are closely aligned with the university's goals.
The next phase in the strategic planning process is to develop the implementation and monitoring of the strategic plan. As a first step, leaders of each project will be identified to lead the college's efforts in each specific area. Furthermore, the Strategic Plan Implementation Steering Committee will be formed to continue monitoring the strategic planning process over its lifecycle.
Moving from Outcomes to Impact
The plan is organized into three strategic goals that represent specific areas of focus necessary for achieving the ambition of becoming the nation's leader of the 21st century. Each strategy is a broad statement that encompasses groupings of the strategic projects developed by the multiple taskforces that were part of their development. These strategies are the foundation for the strategic plan and each supports more than one of the college's goals. The numbering of the strategies and projects does not represent a priority listing.
Strategic Plan Summary Chart
01 COAMS strategic plan taskforce formulated
02 Review the mission and vision
03 Program SWOT analysis
04 COAMS SWOT analysis
05 Program SWOT analysis
06 Stakeholders survey
07 Agreed on common COAMS goals & projects and how to achieve them
08 General meetings with all stakeholders, students, faculty, and staff members
09 1ST draft of the COAMS strategic plan
Alignment of COAMS Strategic Goals with KSAU-HS Strategic Goals
Corresponding KSAU-HS Strategic Goals
| COAMS Strategic Goals,Objectives,and Initiatives
Develop academic programs and graduate distinguished professionals in healthcare and health sciences-related disciplines
| Strategic Goal 1
Enhancing the quality of academic programs to achieve graduate attributes.
- Ensure the quality of academic programs through periodic review and development of curricula, teaching strategies, and assessment methods. - Obtain and maintain academic accreditation for eligible programs. - Graduate highly competent health care professionals per national standards. - Enhance the continuous professional development of faculty members and staff. Initiatives:
- Conduct periodic independent feedback of COAMS curriculum and quality documents (independent review & advisory committee) as per the institution policy and procedure standards. - Conduct workshops that target the three main pillars of COAMS mission which includes quality of teaching, research, and community service. - Asses the achievement of graduate attributes through: - Mapping the PLO achievement with COAMS graduate attributes. - Students' performance in the professional and/or national examinations.
Enhance excellence in health sciences research benefiting from the integration among the University, Research Center, and health system
| Strategic Goal 2
Enhance innovative applied health sciences research and scholarly activities.
- Promote collaborative research activity and fund acquisition. - Enhance faculty research quality and innovative thinking. - Encourage faculty and student participation in scientific research and innovative projects.
- Implement notional/international inter-professional research collaboration among faculty and students. - Conduct faculty and student workshops and seminars that promote innovative applied health sciences research and scholarly activities. - Support faculty and students innovative research activities.
Create vibrant on-campus quality of life, and develop sustainable community partnerships
| Strategic Goal 3
Facilitate college participation in community services and develop sustainable community partnerships.
- Promote community service activities arranged by COAMS programs targeting audiences from different disciplines. - Create sustainable community partnerships with external stakeholders.
- Increase the number of sustainable community partnerships with external stakeholders related to applied medical science. - Conduct community service activities targeting beneficiaries from different community groups. - Create peer reviewed scholarly activities with the community partnership.