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 Clinical Affairs


The graduates from College of Applied Medical Sciences, KSAU-HS should be assured that they have received a high quality of education and they shall receive the best training available in Saudi Arabia at King Abdulaziz Medical City and other high quality Health institutes during their Internship.

Contact information

Dr. Abdulaziz Al Sarawi
Dr. Abdulaziz Al Sarawi
Associate Dean; JA Asst. Prof. Internal Medicine
King Saud Bin AbdulAziz University of Health Sciences​​ 29254
Mr. Fahad Al Dossary
Mr. Fahad Al Dossary
Administrative officer II
King Saud Bin AbdulAziz University of Health Sciences​​ 29292
Ms. Wasmeyah Al Tuwaijri
Ms. Wasmeyah Al Tuwaijri
Administrative officer I
King Saud Bin AbdulAziz University of Health Sciences​​ 29273
Mr. Rashed Al Dossari
Mr. Rashed Al Dossari
Administrative Assistant
King Saud Bin AbdulAziz University of Health Sciences​​ 28351