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Lactose intolerant adults in Saudi Arabia On March 2020, the Clinical Nutrition Program organized a nutrition awareness program titled “Lactose intolerant adults in Saudi Arabia". Approximately 50 participants were attended the program. The program aimed to make the community aware of lactose intolerance, especially lactose intolerance patients. Moreover, the objectives of this activity are to determine the difference between lactose intolerance and milk allergy and to provide nutrition education for lactose intolerance patients.
Prevalence of type one diabetes among children in KSA On March 2020, the Clinical Nutrition Program organized a nutrition awareness program titled “Prevalence of type one diabetes among children in KSA". Approximately 40 participants were attended the program. The program aimed to Reducing the complications or consequences of type one diabetes among children between 1-18 years old in KSA. Moreover, the objectives of this activity are to increase the awareness among children about type one diabetes and increase family support in Saudi Arabia and to enhance the lives of people with type one diabetes through dealing with the most important steps for overcoming danger associated with type one diabetes and its complications.
Nutritional Care after Bariatric Surgery The clinical Nutrition Program at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences organized a nutrition awareness program titled “Nutritional Care after Bariatric Surgery" on March 2020. The aim of this activity is to raise awareness of the importance of the diet for the success of surgery and the absence of complications. The two main Objectives are to determine that adequate energy and nutrients are required to support tissue healing after surgery and to support the preservation of lean body mass during extreme weight loss and to determine that the foods and beverages consumed after surgery must minimize reflux, early satiety, and dumping syndrome while maximizing weight loss and, ultimately, weight maintenance. In this activity we were targeted the Bariatric surgery patient who is morbidly obese (BMI > 40), or lower BMI (35-40) with obesity related health problems. Approximately of 45 Participants attended our activity.
Gestational diabetes The clinical Nutrition Program at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences organized a nutrition awareness program titled “Gestational diabetes" on March 2020. The aim of this activity is to increase gestational diabetes awareness and maintain normal pregnancy blood glucose. The two main Objectives are to prevent maternal and fetal diabetes complication and to help patients to control the symptoms of gestational diabetes. The activity was targeted the pregnant women who have gestational diabetes.
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World milk Day On Jan 1st, 2021, the clinical Nutrition Program conducted an online activity entitled “World Milk Day". The activity was virtually through Microsoft teams as “Lactose Intolerance awareness' was provided. Students actively participated in the activity. They developed learning materials for the audience. This activity was targeted Lactose intolerance adults' patients.
World Kidney Day The activity was held on Mar10th, 2022. It conducted in Open area KSAU-HS - Female campus as “Chronic Kidney disease awareness' was provided. Students actively participated in the activity and developed learning materials for the audience. Faculty, staff, and students of KSAU-HS were participated in this event.
Importance of Healthy Nutritional Habits in Preconception Stage The Clinical Nutrition Program conducted the online activity titled “Nutrition in preconception awareness" which was held on May 31st, 22. Students actively participated in the activity and developed learning materials for the audience.
Nutrition Day Community On Jun 5th, 22 the Clinical nutrition Program conducted activity titled “Nutrition Day Community" in Open area KSAU-HS - Female campus as “Nutrition Day" Students actively participated in the activity. The target audience was approximately 100 participants.
Your life is more precious On Jun 7th, 22, The Clinical nutrition Program participated in the preventive awareness exhibition, your life is more precious, at the Officers Club in King Abdullah Residential City - Al-Ahsa.
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“How can I talk to my Health? “ On October 13th , 2022, the Clinical Nutrition Program participated in an off-campus activity which was conducted at Elementary School 32 in Al Hofuf City-Al Ahsa. The aim of the activity was to raise awareness about healthy diets among children. The students actively participated in the activity, which included the development of learning materials and games. The goal was to engage the audience in a fun and interactive way while providing them with important information about healthy eating habits.
World Diabetes Day On Nov 8th, 22, the Clinical Nutrition Program participated in an off-campus activity which was conducted at by students in Al Hofuf, specifically in the Al-Ahsa Municipality. The aim was to raise awareness about diabetic diets and BMI calculations for the public. The activity focused on diabetes management and complications, with the students actively participating in the development of learning materials for the audience. The goal was to educate public people about healthy habits and the management of diabetes in a fun and interactive way. Target population: Diabetic patients and the public. No of Participants: 200
1st Continuous Professional Development Exhibition (CPD) On January 25th, 2023, CLNP program was participated on the 1st CPD Exhibition which was conducted in the open area of KSAU-HS- a male campus. Students participated in the event to educate the audience about the Clinical Nutrition major and the role of dietitians in managing important diseases e.g. diabetes and hypertension. They discussed the nature of a dietitian's work, highlighting the importance of promoting healthy habits and preventing chronic diseases. The goal was to raise awareness about the vital role that dietitians play in promoting a healthier society.
Health-Hackathon On January 29th -30th, 2023, KSAU-HS hosted a male campus activity in the open area to encourage students to excel in future fields and connect them with health-related objectives aligned with the Saudi Arabia 2030 vision. The clinical nutrition department actively participated in the event by presenting the latest trends and machines in the nutritional field, as well as providing information on nutritional supplements to the audience.
Scientific Olympiad On January 29th -30th, 2023, KSAU-HS hosted a male campus activity in the open area to assess students' knowledge of general health information. The Clinical Nutrition department actively participated in the event, and several teams from different programs at KSAU-HS were selected to compete. Our team, consisting of the best academic students from the 3rd and 4th year, received second place overall. The coordinator of the Clinical Nutrition department provided training to the team in preparation for the competition.
Neuro-health On March 15th, 2023, KSAU-HS hosted a male campus activity in the open area focusing on neuro-health from various perspectives, including diseases, behavioral therapy, and occupational therapy. The event aimed to increase knowledge and awareness of the role of occupational therapy and clinical nutrition in treating neurological conditions among KSAU-HS students in Al-Ahsa. It also aimed to promote the idea of a multidisciplinary team collaborating with OT to treat neurological conditions. Additionally, clinical nutrition students discussed sports nutrition during the event.
Career Day On March 20th, 2023, KSAU-HS held a male campus activity in the open area to assist students, interns, and alumni with the recruitment process in Saudi Arabia's governmental and private sectors. The university invited several hospitals and companies to help students choose their career paths. In this regard, the Clinical Nutrition department also participated in the event by inviting hospitals and private markets to present the roles and responsibilities of clinical dietitians.
World Kidney Day On May 30th, 2023, KSAU-HS hosted a female campus activity in the open area to raise awareness about chronic kidney disease (CKD) as a community initiative. Hypertension, a global public health problem, is the leading contributor to the global disease burden and a major modifiable risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. CKD is a frequent cause of hypertension, and uncontrolled hypertension can lead to CKD. During the event, the students educated the audience about proper dietary interventions for CKD. The department also invited the college deans to attend the activity.
Internship Orientation Panel On June 13th, 2023, KSAU-HS hosted a female campus activity with the participation of all COAMS programs including CLNP. The purpose of this panel is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of internships and what they can expect during their experience. The focus will be on exploring the benefits and challenges of internships, as well as providing practical tips on how to navigate the application and selection process.
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International Day of Old Person (Dementia) In order to commemorate and celebrate World Elderly Day and to keep pace with the event, the Clinical Nutrition Program at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University held an activity entitled “ Dementia" . The activity took place on Oct 19th, 2023 at the open area of female section of the KSAU-HS. The aim of this event is to increase the awareness of the KSAU students, Staffs, and Faculties toward the nutritional needs of the older adults to help them maintain their health, vitality, and quality of life as they age gracefully. Nutrition is a critical aspect of elderly care, and organizing an activity focused on nutrition for geriatric individuals can be a valuable way to observe this day. The CLNP students focus on Nutritional and physical activity prevention of cognitive decline and dementia, in the elderly. They Covered an introduction of the disease, and it's connection with nutrition and the intervention, and they did act out a scenario and quiz the audience afterwards with rewards
International Day of Old Person Parkinson's disease In order to commemorate and celebrate World Elderly Day and to keep pace with the event, the Clinical Nutrition Program at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University held an activity entitled “ Parkinson's disease" . The activity took place on Oct 19th, 2023 at the open area of female section of the KSAU-HS. The aim of this event is to increase the awareness of the KSAU students, Staffs, and Faculties toward the nutritional needs of the older adults to help them maintain their health, vitality, and quality of life as they age gracefully. Nutrition is a critical aspect of elderly care, and organizing an activity focused on nutrition for geriatric individuals can be a valuable way to observe this day. The CLNP students focused on Nutritional and physical activity prevention of Parkinson's disease, in the elderly. The activity involved an introduction of the disease, and it's connection with nutrition and the intervention, and with the cooperation of occupational therapy department which offered equipment's that aid old people with Parkinson in the eating pattern. The activity focused also in describing the correct use of these equipment.
International Day of Old Person Depression's disease In order to commemorate and celebrate World Elderly Day and to keep pace with the event, the Clinical Nutrition Program at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University held an activity entitled “ Depression's disease" . The activity took place on Oct 19th, 2023 at the open area of female section of the KSAU-HS. The aim of this event is to increase the awareness of the KSAU students, Staffs, and Faculties toward the nutritional needs of the older adults to help them maintain their health, vitality, and quality of life as they age gracefully. Nutrition is a critical aspect of elderly care, and organizing an activity focused on nutrition for geriatric individuals can be a valuable way to observe this day. In the activity the discussion of the health education about the psychological changes of the elderly and their impact on their nutrition. Also, The CLNP students focused on Nutritional and physical activity prevention of depression in the elderly. The activity involved an introduction of the disease, and it's connection with nutrition and the intervention. The students presented competitions and challenging questions regarding the content of the activity, with prizes distributed to the winners.
Organic Food Day Organic Food Day is an annual occasion that highlights the importance of organic products and foods based on their importance as a better and safer health system. In line with the decision of the Council of Ministers to consider November 11 as Organic Food Day, the Department of Clinical Nutrition at the College of Applied Medical Sciences at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University has commemorated this day by holding an activity entitled Organic Food Day. The aim of this event is to raise the awareness of the KSAU students, Staffs, and Faculties toward organic and its benefits. Also, to increase the awareness of the characteristics and benefits of organic production. Encourage the audience of planting and eating the organic food. A group of CLNP department Internes managed this activity. This activity included the following topics: Definition and examples of organic food, three type of organic food, benefits of using organic food, harmful effects of non-organic foods, non-organic foods and human health, definition of (GMO) and its relationship to diseases, organic farming standards, the difference between organic and non-organic foods, and how to identify organic foods ( visible ).
Functional Food (Herbs) On Tuesday, November 28th, 2023, a number of female students and all faculties from the Department of Clinical Nutrition, College of Applied Medical Sciences at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences participated in the functional food activity held in the Al-Qubba Hall at King Faisal University. This was based on an invitation from the Head of the Department of Clinical Nutrition at the College of Applied Medical Sciences at King Faisal University, from the standpoint of cooperation and community partnership between universities and health colleges. The activity entitled" Functional Food “under the slogan Your food is your treatment. The aim of this event is to raise the awareness of the KFU students, Staffs, and Faculties toward Functional foods (Herbs) and its roles in protecting the body against chronic diseases. Also, to increase the awareness of the most common herbs and their association with chronic diseases and health prevention. The CLNP students were prepared a learning materials about different herbes such as Thyme, Cinnamon, and Ginger in regards to their health benefits, active constituents, and protective effect against chronic disease. The event was sponsored by His Excellency the President of King Faisal University, Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Al-Ohali, and the participants were honored at the end of the event.
World Diabetes Day Upon request raised from Al-Ahsa Walking and Running Association the CLNP program students and faculties were participated in one of the programs of the World Days Initiative, “World Diabetes Day,". The program consists of walking and introductory and educational sections about diabetes, living with it, and ways to prevent it. The program was held, on Thursday, November 30th, 2023 Location: Al-Mashgar Park Time: 06:00 - 10:00 PM The aim of this event is to increase the awareness of the public people about Introductory and educational pillars about diabetes, living with it, and ways to prevent it.The activity focused on diabetes management and complications, with the students actively participating in the development of learning materials for the audience. The goal was to educate public people about healthy habits and the management of diabetes in an interactive way.
Medications Awareness On January 16th , 2024, the Clinical Nutrition Program participated in an off-campus activity which was conducted at Aum Salma High School in National Guard Housing at Al Ahsa. The aim of the activity was to raise awareness about medications proper uses, their side effects, toxicity, drug-drug interactions, and food-drug interactions. The students actively participated in the activity, which included the development of learning materials and games. The goal was to engage the audience in a fun and interactive way while providing them with important information about medication safety.
2nd Continuous Professional Development Exhibition (CPD) On Jan 31st, 2024, CLNP program engaged in activity entitled “ 2nd Continuous Professional Development Exhibition (CPD)" under the slogan Continuous learning in patient safety within Clinical Nutrition involves healthcare professionals, especially those specializing in clinical nutrition, participating in ongoing educational activities. The goal is to acquire updated knowledge and implement best practices, ensuring the safety and well-being of patients undergoing nutritional care.
8th Health Professional Conference (HPC) On 3rd -5th Mar, 24, CLNP students and interns represent the CLNP program in the booth that reflected the use of artificial intelligence in the field of clinical nutrition. The CLNP program win the second place in the competition with other programs. Moreover, alumni of CLNP program participated as speaker on the conference. She talked about the future of AI in clinical nutrition.
Obesity Day On Thursday, March 7th, 2024, the Clinical Nutrition Department participated in World Obesity Day, which was held at the Othaim Mall in Al-Ahsa. Participation took place at the invitation of the Al-Ahsa Walking and Running Association. In this event, in which a group of students and internship students along with alumni of the Department of Clinical Nutrition and all faculty members of the Department participated, topics related to obesity in children were highlighted. An entertainment corner was also created for children to encourage them in a fun way and encourage them to eat healthy and pay attention to weight.
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Virtual Internship orientation for clinical laboratory science students.
Scientific Seminars:
- Development and Optimization of a Homemade ELISA 25th Feb 2020
- ACE2 Expression and vulnerability to COVID-19. 6th Apr 2020
| 1 | No | CA-CLAB | | |
1. Asif M, Hussain A, Wali A, Ahmed N, Ali I, Iqbal Z, Amir M, Shafiq M, Rasool M. Molecular, Cytogenetic, and Hematological Analysis of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients and Discovery of Two Novel Translocations. Anal Cell Pathol (Amst). 2021 Aug 12;2021:4909012. doi: 10.1155/2021/4909012. PMID: 34422550; PMCID: PMC8378985. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2021/4909012 2. Rasool M, Malik A, Waquar S, Zaheer A, Asif M, Iqbal Z, Gauthaman K, Kamal MA, Pushparaj PN. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of Dementia: Decoding the causal link of Diabetes Mellitus in Alzheimer's disease. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. May 2021;20(7):602-612. doi: 10.2174/1871527320666210212114116. Epub ahead of print (Feb 2021). PMID: 33583389. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33583389/
3. Alanazi N, Alabdullatif S, Albahrani M, Aljamaan M, Alsayegh F, Bhalli A, Aljarrah K, Iqbal Z. Impact of Sickle Cell Anemia on children growth and clinical parameters in Al-Ahsa region of Saudi Arabia. Adv. Life Sci., Feb 2021 8(2): 179-183. (Scopus & ISI indexed). http://www.als-journal.com/8215-21/
4. Iqbal Z, Absar M, Mahmood A, Aleem A, Iqbal M, …Al anazi N. Discovery and protein modeling studies of novel compound mutations causing resistance to multiple tyrosine kinase inhibitors in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2020 Dec 1;21(12):3517- 3526. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33369447/
5. Alkhamees M, Bin Hamri S, Alhumaid T, Alissa L, Al-Lishlish H, Abudalo R, Iqbal Z, Albajhan G, Alasker A. Factors Associated with Varicocele Recurrence After Microscopic Sub-Inguinal Varicocelectomy. Res Rep Urol. 2020 Dec 15;12:651-657. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33365283/
6. Sajid MKM, Hafizoah K,Al Fraidan A, Hasan GA, Iqbal Z, Aljarrah K, Al Anazi, N. Effectiveness of reading aloud strategies on low proficiency Pakistani college level female students of English department from humanities group at higher secondary system: A teachers' perception. IT in industry, Mar 2021, 9(21): 851-862 (ISI-indexed). DOI: http://it-in-industry.org/index.php/itii/article/view/210 http://it-in-industry.org/index.php/itii/article/view/210/186
7. Sajid MKM, Hafizoah K,Al Fraidan A, Hasan GA, Iqbal Z, Aljarrah K, Al Anazi, N. An Assessment of Text Reading Habits of Pakistani M.Phil. Level Students. PJAEE, Jan 2021, 17(9): 2438 -51 (Scopus-indexed). https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/4220 https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/4220/5882
8. Sajid MKM, Hafizoah K,Al Fraidan A, Hasan GA, Iqbal Z, Aljarrah K, Al Anazi, N. A Research Proposal on English Reading Comprehension Text Level Difficulties among Saudi Science Students. PJAEE, Nov 2020, 17 (7): 6467-6493 (online). (Scopus-indexed). http://umpir.ump.edu.my/id/eprint/30238/ https://mail.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/2981
9. Iqbal Z, Almusawi BM, Alhashim FF, Aleassa WA, Albueisa ZY, Malik A, Bhalli A, Alanazi N. Demographic and clinical characteristics of lymphoma patients from Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Applied Hematology. 2020 Jul 1;11(3):122. https://www.jahjournal.org/article.asp?issn=1658-5127;year=2020;volume=11;issue=3;spage=122;epage=125;aulast=Iqbal
10. Iqbal Z, Akhtar T, Khalid AM, Aleem A, Mahmood A, Akram AM, Rasool M, Shah IH, Bhalli A, Khalid M, Iqbal M. Eradication of prior-to-treatment compound BCR-ABL mutations by interferon-alpha in chronic myeloid leukemia: Long-term follow-up studies and review of literature. Journal of Applied Hematology. 2020 Jul 1;11(3):108. https://www.jahjournal.org/article.asp?issn=1658-5127;year=2020;volume=11;issue=3;spage=108;epage=111;aulast=Iqbal
11. Absar M, Mahmood A, Akhtar T, Basit S, Ramzan K, Jameel A, Afzal S, Ullah A, Qureshi K, Alanazi N, Iqbal Z. Whole exome sequencing identifies a novel FANCD2 gene splice site mutation associated with disease progression in chronic myeloid leukemia: Implication in targeted therapy of advanced phase CML. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2020 May 1;33(3 (Special)):1419-26. https://europepmc.org/article/med/33361032
12. Sajid MK, Alsulaiteen H, Alsaleh MA, Almulhim FS, Alabdulathim MA, Alzaid AA, Alanazi AM, Albutayh AA, Almulhim O, Alabbad RH, Almohaini M. THE READING PERCEPTION OF MEDICAL STAFF ABOUT THE USE OF PREHOSPITAL ULTRASOUND. European Journal of Public Health Studies. 2020 Feb 20;2(1). https://oapub.org/hlt/index.php/EJPHS/article/view/39
13. Egwuagu CE, Alhakeem SA, Mbanefo EC. Uveitis: molecular pathogenesis and emerging therapies. Frontiers in immunology. 2021 Apr 30;12:623725. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.623725/full
14. Magni, R., Rruga, F., Alsaab, F.M. et al. Lipoarabinomannan antigenic epitope differences in tuberculosis disease subtypes. Sci Rep 10, 13944 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-70669-9 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-70669-9
| 1 | Yes | CLSP | | | 1. Iqbal Z (2022). Investigations on molecular determinants of durable molecular response in chronic myeloid leukemia patients. Adv. Life Sci., May 2022, 9(1): 67-74. (Scopus & ISI indexed). http://www.als-journal.com/articles/vol9issue1/9111.22/1232.pdf 2. Iqbal Z, Absar M, Shammas M, Alanazi N, Basit S, Aljarrah K, Bilal S, Elsafadi M, Siyal A, Mahmood A. Frequencies and clinical characteristics of common fusion oncogenes in core-binding factor Acute Myeloid Leukemia from Lahore Pakistan. Adv. Life Sci., Dec 2021 8(4): 387-395. (Scopus & ISI indexed). http://www.als-journal.com/8414-21/
3. Rasool M, Malik A, Abdul Basit Ashraf M, Mubbin R, Ayyaz U, Waquar S, Asif M, Umar M, Siew Hua G, Iqbal Z, Alam H, Achakzai NM. Phytochemical analysis and protective effects of Vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) in rats (Rattus norvegicus) following ethylene oxide-induced oxidative insult. Bioengineered. 2021 Dec;12(1):4593-4604. doi: 10.1080/21655979.2021.1955528.PMID:34346287. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34346287/ 4. Iqbal, Z.; Absar, M.; Akhtar, T.; Aleem, A.; Jameel, A.; Basit, S.; Ullah, A.; Afzal, S.; Ramzan, K.; Rasool, M.; Karim, S.; Mirza, Z.; Iqbal, M.; AlMajed, M.; AlShehab, B.; AlMukhaylid, S.; AlMutairi, N.; Al-anazi, N.; Farooq Sabar, M.; Arshad, M.; Asif, M.; Shammas, M.; Mehmood, A. Integrated Genomic Analysis Identifies ANKRD36 Gene as a Novel and Common Biomarker of Disease Progression in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Biology. Nov 2021; 10(11):1182. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology10111182
5. Rehman A, Akram AM, Chaudhary A, Sheikh N, Hussain Z, Alsanie WF, Rehman RA, Hameed N, Saleem T, Zafar A, Absar M, Iqbal Z, Alhazmi A, Baeshen HA, Mohammedsaleh ZM, Qamer S, Sayed S, Gaber A. RUNX1 mutation and elevated FLT3 gene expression cooperates to induce inferior prognosis in cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia patients. Saudi J Biol Sci. 2021 Sep;28(9):4845-4851. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2021.07.012 Epub 2021 Jul 10. PMID: 34466057; PMCID: PMC8381075. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8381075/
6. Iqbal, Z., Absar, M., Al-Sayel, K. ., Al-Mulhim, M., Al-Qahtani, S. ., Al-Dawasari, S. ., Al-Mulhim, . N. ., Fallatah, N. ., Alomari, M. ., Adeel, K. ., Bhalli, A. ., Ahmed, M. ., & Alanazi, N.. Prevalence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus using Molecular Biological Methods and its Antibiotic Resistance Patterns in Al-Ahsa Region of Saudi Arabia: Studies on MRSA isolates from Eastern Saudi Arabia. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: B. Life and Environmental Sciences, Aug 2021, 58(1), 43–51. https://doi.org/10.53560/PPASB(58-1)353 7. Iqbal Z, Al Anazi N, Aljarrah K, Alomari MM, Bhalli A, Abubaker MR, Rashid MK, Sajid MK. Investigations On The Effectiveness Of Online Teaching In English And Assessment In Clinical Laboratory Sciences During Covid-19 Pandemic. NVEO-NATURAL VOLATILES & ESSENTIAL OILS Journal| NVEO. 2021 Dec 13:12726-44. https://www.nveo.org/index.php/journal/article/view/2675
8. Ayman Soliman, Mohamed Almohaini, Mohamed Alghaderi1, Talal AlShammari, Saleh Aabdulkader, Abdulaziz Almulhim, Meshaal Bujubarah, Wissam AlSuwailem, Nora AlKhatam, Maram Alsubaiee, Nemer Almosayab, Abdulkareem AlGarni and Nawaf Al Anazi "the impact of stress on grade point average (gpa) among king saud bin abdulaziz university for health sciences' applied clinical science students." 2022, 6: 35-40. https://www.wjahr.com/admin/assets/article_issue/36052022/1653992474.pdf 9. Vadivel S, Mani P, Al Anezi N, Al Subaie MH, Al Mulhim AF, Al Mulhim MK, Al Yemeni OA. Knowledge and awareness about occupational therapy among healthcare professionals in Al-Ahsa. World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences. 2021;8(1):008-12. https://wjbphs.com/content/knowledge-and-awareness-about-occupational-therapy-among-healthcare-professionals-al-ahsa
10. Ababneh ZQ, Almusallam M, Alfajri I, Ababneh AM, Aljarrah KM, Tries MA, Al Anazi N. Estimation of the Organ and Effective Dose to Patients Undergoing Medical Diagnostic X-Ray Examinations in Saudi Arabia. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2021 Mar;194(1):1-8. https://academic.oup.com/rpd/article-abstract/194/1/1/6262256 11. Mbanefo EC, Yan M, Kang M, Alhakeem SA, Jittayasothorn Y, Yu CR, Parihar A, Singh S, Egwuagu CE. STAT3-Specific single domain nanobody inhibits expansion of pathogenic Th17 responses and suppresses uveitis in mice. Frontiers in Immunology. 2021 Sep 15;12:724609. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.724609/full
12. Bobde SS, Alsaab FM, Wang G, Van Hoek ML. Ab initio Designed Antimicrobial Peptides Against Gram-Negative Bacteria. Front Microbiol. 2021 Nov 16;12:715246. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.715246. PMID: 34867843; PMCID: PMC8636942. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/microbiology/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2021.715246/full
| 2 | Yes | CLSP | | | 1. Aleem, A., Alotaibi, G., Iqbal, Z. et al. Eltrombopag for tyrosine kinase inhibitors-associated thrombocytopenia in chronic myeloid leukemia. Int J Hematol, 2023, 118: 288–291. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12185-023-03569-z
2. Alanazi N, Iqbal Z, Akhtar T, Khalid AM, Aleem A,et al., (2022). Association of BCR-ABL Alternative Splice Variants with Disease Progression, Treatment Response and Survival in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients Treated with Firstline Imatinib Monotherapy. Adv. Life Sci., Dec 2022. 9(4): 612- 617. https://submission.als-journal.com/index.php/ALS/article/view/1126/0
3. Alanazi N, Iqbal Z; Discovery of Mutated ZNF208 Gene As a Novel Transcription Factor Exclusively Associated with Accelerated Phase and Blast Crisis Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Hunt for Common Biomarker of Fatal CML Progression. Blood 2022; 140 (Supplement 1): 12233–12234. doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2022-170015
4. Aamer Aleem, Abdullah Algahtani, Leena Alshaman, Nawaf Aldawsari, Farjah Alqahtani, Musa Alzahrani, Ghazi Alotaibi, Saeed Alturki. Clinical and Pathologic Characteristics of Essential Thrombocythemia (ET) Patients Harboring Calreticulin (CALR) Mutations. Blood 2022; 140 (Supplement 1): 12282–12283. doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2022-169941
5. Aamer Aleem, Farjah Alqahtani, Ahmed Jamal, Nora A. Alkhudair, Mashail Alghafis, Hajar Wan Zuki Siti, Bader Alahmari, Hend Salama, Giamal Edin Gmati, Mohsen Alzahrani, Ayman Alhejazi, Naila A. Shaheen, Abdullah M Alrajhi, Mansour Alfayez, Zafar Iqbal, Ahmed Alaskar; Discontinuation of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy and Treatment-Free Remission in Chronic-Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: An Observational Retrospective Multi-Center Study. Blood 2022; 140 (Supplement 1): 12220–12221. doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2022-168926
6. Sajid KM, Al-Anazi N, Iqbal Z, et al. Introduction to Computational Linguistics and its use for medical translations in the universities of Health Sciences. (2023). (n.p.): Dr. Muhammad Khalid Mehmood Sajid. ISBN:9798891451117. https://www.scribd.com/document/662819162/Introduction-to-Computational-Linguistics-and-its-use-for-medical-translations-in-the-universities-of-Health-Sciences
7. Ahmad F, Mohamed JM, Gayasuddin M, Al Anazi N, Shaik RA, Al Humoud SY, Ebrahim D, El-Sagheer AM, Emam AS. Molecular docking and In vivo gastroprotective effect of Salvia fruticosa. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2023;16(1):314-22. https://www.proquest.com/openview/3d623febcd6b0fd20f3a4ce5ed83ec11/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=1096441
8. Vadivel S, Amalraj C, Al Anezi N, Mani P, Al Mohaini M, Almusallam Y, Aladil Z, Al Shams M, Alkashi E, Al Duhailan A. Measuring University Students' Internet Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period and Providing an Overview of Occupational Therapy Role. https://ymerdigital.com/uploads/YMER220114.pdf
9. Al Anazi, N., Sajid, M. K. M., Hasan, G. A., & Iqbal, Z. (2022). Effect of asthma on the English speaking and reading comprehension ability of dusty allergy affected school children: A pediatric research. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S9), 3144–3154. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v6nS9.13230
10. Al Anazi, N., Sajid, M. K. M., Aljarrah, K., & Iqbal, Z. (2022). A paediatric English linguistics intervention on spoken language for English-speaking parents of deaf children having hearing problems. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S9), 2537–2545. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v6nS9.12972 11. Shrwani K, Dhayhi N, Mahallawi W, Sherwani A, Badedi M, Aldossari S, Muhajir A, Hassan Z, Sherwani N, Karar T, Gadour E. The Protective Mechanism Against COVID-19, Antibody vs Cellular Immunity: An Extensive Review. International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science (IJIRMS). 2023 Aug;8(08). https://ijirms.in/index.php/ijirms/article/view/1721 12. Mosad AS, Elfadil GA, Elhassan SH, Elbashir ZA, Husain NE, Karar T, Elfaki EM. Diagnostic Performance us ing Obesity and Lipid-Related Indices and Atherogenic Index of Plasma to Predict Metabolic Syndrome in the Adult Sudanese Population. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice. 2023 May 1;26(5):617-24.
13. Alhassan S, Elmugadam A, Elfadil GA, Abubaker N, Elfaki EM, Hamza A, Abdalhabib EK, Karar T. Diagnostic Performance of Anti-Müllerian Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone to Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Ratio, Testosterone, and Prolactin to Predict Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Among Sudanese Women. International Journal of Women's Health. 2023 Dec 31:837-43. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.2147/IJWH.S403347
14. Hay J, Tarafdar A, Holroyd AK, Moka HA, Dunn KM, Alshayeb A, Lloyd BH, Cassels J, Malik N, Khan AF, Sou I. PKCβ facilitates Leukemogenesis in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia by promoting constitutive BCR-mediated signalling. Cancers. 2022 Dec 6;14(23):6006. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6694/14/23/6006
| 3 | Yes | CLSP | | |
•Alanazi, N., Siyal, A., Basit, S., Shammas, M., Al-Mukhaylid, S., Aleem, A., Mahmood, A., & Iqbal, Z. (2024). Clinical validation of the somatic FANCD2 mutation (c.2022-5C>T) as a novel molecular biomarker for early disease progression in chronic myeloid leukemia: A case–control study. Hematology Reports, 16, 465–478. https://doi.org/10.3390/hematolrep16030045
•Aleem, A., Shaheen, N. A., Algahtani, F., Jamal, A., Alkhudair, N., Alghafis, M., Iqbal, Z., et al. (2024). Discontinuation of tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy and treatment-free remission (TFR) in chronic myeloid leukemia: Successful achievement of TFR in more than two-thirds of patients in a real-world practice. Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clml.2024.08.006
•Alqarni, S. M. H., Alamri, M. S., Pushparaj, P. N., Rather, I., Iqbal, Z., Asif, M., et al. (2024). Screening, awareness and challenges for colorectal cancer treatment in Saudi Arabia: An update. Bioinformation, 20(4), 397-403.
•Shahid, S., Sabar, M. F., Iqbal, Z., Saleem, M. Z., Khokhar, M. A., & Ashiq, S. (2023). Molecular biology and drug therapies of chronic myeloid leukemia: A review of recent literature. International Journal of Pharmacy & Integrated Health Sciences, 5(1), Article 121. https://doi.org/10.56536/ijpihs.v5i1.121
•Ahmed, K., Iftikhar, R., Iqbal, Z., Arshad, M., & Ahmed, A. (2023). Treatment-free remission in chronic myeloid leukemia—a practical option. Journal of Haematology & Stem Cell Research, 3(1), 34-42.
•Aleem, A., Alotaibi, G., & Iqbal, Z. (2023). Eltrombopag for tyrosine kinase inhibitors-associated thrombocytopenia in chronic myeloid leukemia. International Journal of Hematology, 118, 288–291. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12185-023-03569-z
•Alhassan, S., Elmugadam, A., Elfadil, G. A., Abubaker, N., Elfaki, E. M., Hamza, A., et al. (2024). Diagnostic performance of anti-Müllerian hormone, luteinizing hormone to follicle-stimulating hormone ratio, testosterone, and prolactin to predict polycystic ovary syndrome. International Journal of Women's Health, 837-843. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.2147/IJWH.S403347?needAccess=true
•Mosad, A. S., Elfadil, G. A., Elhassan, S. H., Elbashir, Z. A., Husain, N., Karar, T., et al. (2024). Diagnostic performance using obesity and lipid-related indices and atherogenic index of plasma to predict metabolic syndrome in the adult Sudanese population. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 26(5), 617-624. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njcp/article/view/257797
•Shrwani, E. G. K., Dhayhi, N., Mahallawi, W., Sherwani, A., Mohammed, et al. (2024). The protective mechanism against COVID-19, antibody vs cellular immunity: An extensive review. International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science (IJIRMS), 8. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eyad-Gadour/publication/372823975_The_Protective_Mechanism_Against_COVID-19_Antibody_vs_Cellular_ImmunityAn_Extensive_Review/links/64c94ab4862f8d299988ae02/The-Protective-Mechanism-Against-COVID-19-Antibody-vs-Cellular-ImmunityAn-Extensive-Review.pdf
•Shahid, S., Sabar, M., Jamil, A., Khokar, M. A., Absar, M., Iqbal, M., Shammas, M., et al. (2023). Discovery of mutated MUC3A gene as a novel transcription factor exclusively associated with accelerated phase chronic myeloid leukemia: Hunt for common biomarker of fatal CML. Blood, 142, 7429. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0006497123140250
•Vadivel, S., Alsubaie, M., Al Anazi, N., Amalraj, C., Mani, P., Melamalai, S., et al. (2024). Knowledge and awareness on the role of occupational therapist in oncology care: A cross-sectional study among Saudi Arabian students and healthcare providers. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s (2)), 668-680. https://jrtdd.com/index.php/journal/article/view/1428
•Alqarni, A. A., Aldhahir, A. M., Bintalib, H. M., Alqahtani, J. S., Siraj, R. A., Majrshi, M., ... & Alwafi, H. (2023). Inhaled therapies targeting prostacyclin pathway in pulmonary hypertension due to COPD: systematic review. Frontiers in Medicine, 10, 1217156. fmed-10-1217156.pdf
•Alqarni, A. A., Aldhahir, A. M., Alghamdi, S. A., Alqahtani, J. S., Siraj, R. A., Alwafi, H., ... & Pang, L. (2023). Role of prostanoids, nitric oxide and endothelin pathways in pulmonary hypertension due to COPD Frontiers in Medicine, 10,1275684. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/medicine/articles/10.3389/fmed.2023.1275684/full
•Alqarni, A. A., Aldhahir, A. M., Siraj, R. A., Alqahtani, J. S., Alghamdi, D. A., Alghamdi, S. K., Alamoudi, A. A., Mohtaseb, M. A., Majrshi, M., AlGarni, A. A., Badr, O. I., & Alwafi, H. (2024). Asthma medication adherence, control, and psychological symptoms: a cross-sectional study. BMC pulmonary medicine, 24(1), 189. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12890-024-02995-x
•Alsaab, F.M.; Dean, S.N.; Bobde, S.; Ascoli, G.G.; van Hoek, M.L. Computationally Designed AMPs with Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Activity against MDR Acinetobacter baumannii. Antibiotics 2023, 12, 1396.
| 4 | Yes | CLSP | | | •Infection Control Awareness: A visit to the Fourth elementary school at Al Mubarraz on the 10th of December 2019 was organized by CLAB students to raise the awareness of infection control measures.
•An Orientation about “Qimam”: An orientation session was held by one of the “Qimam” leadership program’s fellow on the 20th of February, 2020 for interns and 4th years students. It was organized by the CLAB program targeting all KSAU-HS students. The goal was to introduce the audience to the fellowship program and to increase their awareness about its requirements and method of application, in addition to the privileges and benefits of such a program.
•CLAB Day: The CLAB department at KSAU-HS among the three campuses organized an introductory event about the CLAB program. The event was called “CLAB DAY “and It was held during the Health Professions Conference on the 30th of January, 2020. It was a great chance to introduce the program and its mission and vision to the conference attendees and to give the CLAB program students the chance to present their specialty to the audience. Interns and alumni of the CLAB were invited and involved as well.
| 1 | Yes | CLSP1 | | | During the Covid-19 pandemic, online and social media were the main platform to reach out the community •Info-graphics on Diabetes Mellitus: The event was organized and carried out on the World Diabetes Day. This event was posted to the official CLAB social media accounts.
•“Ask an Expert” activity: a video was prepared by CLAB interns on the 27th of October, 2020 to answer most of the students’ questions which were gathered through the groups of social media about the specialty and internship experience.
| 2 | Yes | CLSP1 | | | •Awareness about inherited hematological diseases in AL Ahsa: This event was conducted by the 4th year students in a school to increase the awareness of the school’s students about the most inherited hematological disorders in the region. Topics such as premarital testing, consanguinity and Preventive methods such as Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) were introduced and explained.
•Vitamins activity: This activity was conducted by the 3rd year students in the open area of the college for everyone. The activity was conducted to increase the awareness on the proper uses of vitamins with the consideration of how to maintain the proper dosage and increasing the efficiency of the taken dosage.
•CLAB career day: This activity was conducted by the department to benefit the interns and 4th year students by preparing them to the practical journey. Experts in the field were invited to give enlightening presentations with topics covering future potential careers.
•Drug abuse prevention (حياتك أغلى): This activity was carried out in collaboration with other affiliation of the national guards and other prestigious organizations in Al Ahsa to increase the awareness about the effect of the environment such as drugs’ abuse on the levels of gene expressions (Epigenetics).
| 3 | Yes | CLSP1 | | | •Antimicrobial Resistance:
An awareness activity conducted in two different schools was organized by the fourth and third year CLSP students and faculty. The goal of the activity was to increase the awareness about antimicrobial resistance.
•Awareness about the clinical laboratory sciences specialty:
A visit to high school students was arranged to introduce KSAU-HS and the CLS program to the school. The visit was conducted by the fourth year CLSP students along with the program’s faculty members.
•Schools’ visit to the CLS program:
The CLS program welcomed a group of students who were visiting from AL-Qara region’s different schools. The facilities of the program, the laboratories and different tools in the lab were introduced to the students by CLSP faculty members. The field of Hematology and the uses of the microscope in diagnosing hematological disorders were explained. Students were able to see normal and abnormal blood cells under the microscope.
•Career Day for the CLS program:
The goal of this event was to provide opportunity for the interns and alumni to meet with different employers who were invited to the event and to expand their network as well.
| 4 | Yes | CLSP1 | | | •Lab Explorers: A Day in Clinical Laboratory Sciences: CLSP hosted the students of Al_Kifah international school on 3rd of October 2023. Students were introduced to different sections, mission, and vision of CLS program.
•Science Behind Vaccines:
The activity was held on 15th October 2023 aiming to teach school students to the latest advancement in science “the development of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines” as well as to learn how covid-19 vaccine and other vaccines’ signs and symptoms develop as a natural immune response.
•CLSP participation on8th Health Professional Conference (HPC):
CLSP students represented the program at a booth highlighting the use of artificial. intelligence (AI) and arrange a lab talk. The conference was held on from 3rd to 5th of March, 2024.
•Kidney Stones Awareness:
This activity was conducted in collaboration with Radiology department at Al-Othaim mall to target the public population and aware them about types of kidney stones, causes, radiological and laboratory diagnostic tools and prevention of formulation. The activity was held on 8th May, 2024.
•Anemia Awareness Day:
The Clinical laboratory sciences Department at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU) in Al Ahsa conducted a community service event focused on raising awareness about Anemia. The activity was held on 14th May, 2024.
•Graduate Day and Alumni Day:
On April 17, 2024, at KSAU-HS AlAhsa, the Alumni Unit organized an event aimed at helping KSAU-HS students, interns, and alumni explore potential employers in the region and understand labor market requirements. Dr. Alzahra Alshayeb, a CLSP faculty member, along with three distinguished students—Sadeem Alwesali, Sabreen Alanazi, and Aisha Aladsani—actively participated and contributed to the event's organization. They provided valuable guidance and advice to both current and graduated CLSP students, supporting them in their future career endeavors.
| 5 | Yes | CLSP1 | | |
Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment: Understanding Key Health Indicators (Nutrition Screening)
On Sunday, Oct 6th, 2024, all 3rd year students and all faculties from the Department of Clinical Nutrition, College of Applied Medical Sciences at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences participated in Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment: Understanding Key Health Indicators held an activity entitled “Nutrition Screening”. The activity took place on Oct 6th, 2024 at the open area of female section of the KSAU-HS. The aim of this event is to increase the awareness of the KSAU students, Staffs, and Faculties and CLNP students (Interns, Alumni, and 4th year students) and public of the nutritional assessment. Also, This Activity aims to educate participants on the various methods used to assess nutritional status, including nutrition screening, anthropometric measurements, clinical assessment, dietary assessment, and biochemical assessment. Participants will gain practical skills to assess their own health or assist others in identifying nutritional needs and risks. The CLNP students focus on Teach participants the basics of nutrition screening and how to identify individuals at risk for malnutrition. Target population: All KSAU-HS students, Faculty, and staffs
No of students= 25 No of Alumni= 4 No of faculty= 10 Others=10 No of Participants: All CLNP 3rd Y students and faculty. Overall evaluation of the event: 5/5
Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment: Understanding Key Health Indicators
(Anthropometric Assessment)
•On Sunday, Oct 6th, 2024, all 3rd year students and all faculties from the Department of Clinical Nutrition, College of Applied Medical Sciences at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences participated in Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment: Understanding Key Health Indicators held an activity entitled “Anthropometric Assessment”. The activity took place on Oct 6th, 2024 at the open area of female section of the KSAU-HS. The aim of this event is to increase the awareness of the KSAU students, Staffs, and Faculties and CLNP students (Interns, Alumni, and 4th year students) and public of the nutritional assessment. Also, This Activity aims to educate participants on the various methods used to assess nutritional status, including nutrition screening, anthropometric measurements, clinical assessment, dietary assessment, and biochemical assessment. Participants will gain practical skills to assess their own health or assist others in identifying nutritional needs and risks. This activity help participants understand how body measurements can be used to assess nutritional status and overall health. The students discussed many topics including: •Explanation of anthropometric measures: height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circumference, and skinfold thickness. •Understanding growth charts for children and BMI classification for adults. •The importance of measuring body composition and identifying risks like obesity or undernutrition. •Hands-on Activity: Practicing BMI calculations and waist circumference measurements on participants or volunteers. Target population: All KSAU-HS students, Faculty, and staffs No of students= 25 No of Alumni= 4 No of faculty= 10 Others=10 No of Participants: All CLNP 3rd Y students and faculty. Overall evaluation of the event: 5/5
Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment: Understanding Key Health Indicators
(Clinical Assessment)
•On Sunday, Oct 6th, 2024, all 3rd year students and all faculties from the Department of Clinical Nutrition, College of Applied Medical Sciences at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences participated in Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment: Understanding Key Health Indicators held an activity entitled “Clinical Assessment”. The activity took place on Oct 6th, 2024 at the open area of female section of the KSAU-HS. The aim of this event is to increase the awareness of the KSAU students, Staffs, and Faculties and CLNP students (Interns, Alumni, and 4th year students) and public of the nutritional assessment. Also, This Activity aims to educate participants on the various methods used to assess nutritional status, including nutrition screening, anthropometric measurements, clinical assessment, dietary assessment, and biochemical assessment. Participants will gain practical skills to assess their own health or assist others in identifying nutritional needs and risks. The main objectives of this activity is to educate participants on how to recognize physical signs and symptoms related to nutrition deficiencies or excesses. Target population: All KSAU-HS students, Faculty, and staffs No of students= 25 No of Alumni= 4 No of faculty= 10 Others=10 No of Participants: All CLNP 3rd Y students and faculty. Overall evaluation of the event: 5/5
Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment: Understanding Key Health Indicators
(Dietary Assessment)
•On Sunday, Oct 6th, 2024, all 3rd year students and all faculties from the Department of Clinical Nutrition, College of Applied Medical Sciences at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences participated in Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment: Understanding Key Health Indicators held an activity entitled “Dietary Assessment”. The activity took place on Oct 6th, 2024 at the open area of female section of the KSAU-HS. The aim of this event is to increase the awareness of the KSAU students, Staffs, and Faculties and CLNP students (Interns, Alumni, and 4th year students) and public of the nutritional assessment. Also, This Activity aims to educate participants on the various methods used to assess nutritional status, including nutrition screening, anthropometric measurements, clinical assessment, dietary assessment, and biochemical assessment. Participants will gain practical skills to assess their own health or assist others in identifying nutritional needs and risks. •The main objectives of this activity is to equip participants with tools and techniques to assess dietary intake and patterns. •Methods of dietary assessment: 24-hour recall, food frequency questionnaires (FFQ), and food diaries. •Strength and limitations of using these dietary intake methods
Target population: All KSAU-HS students, Faculty, and staffs No of students= 25 No of Alumni= 4 No of faculty= 10 Others=10 No of Participants: All CLNP 3rd Y students and faculty. Overall evaluation of the event: 5/5
Prepared by: Community Services Coordinator Ms. Zahrah AL Hamar
| 1 | Yes | CA-CLAB | | | Relax and Recharge: A journey to Stress-Free living On September 28, 2024, CLSP at KSAU-HS Alahsa organized a community service activity event aimed to aimed at promoting mental well-being through effective stress management. This engaging session provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of stress triggers, including genetic and biochemical factors, and educated them on non-medication techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness. Attendees also received guidance on when to seek professional help for stress-related concerns. Through interactive workshops, participants engaged in activities like yoga and coloring sessions designed to relieve stress
• Graduate Day and Alumni Day:
On September 30, 2024, the Alumni Unit at KSAU-HS Al Ahsa organized an event to support KSAU-HS students, interns, and alumni in connecting with regional and national employers and gaining insights into labor market requirements. Dr. Alzahra Alshayeb and Dr. Sahar Alhakeem from the CLSP faculty, along with four outstanding students—Sadeem Alwesali, Sabreen Alanazi, Sarah Althani, and Aisha Aladsani—played key roles in the event’s organization. The gathering provided faculty with a valuable opportunity to reconnect with over 30 alumni and internship students. They offered them valuable guidance and advice to assist them in navigating their career paths.
•Flu-Free Future لقاحك لسلامتك 26 نوفمبر2024 مدرسة نورة الجبر الثانوية للبنات
On November 26, 2024, the CLSP at KSAU-HS Alahsa organized a community service campaign titled "Flu-Free Future." This initiative aimed to raise awareness among school students and teachers about the importance of the influenza vaccine in preventing severe infections, especially with the onset of flu season.
Students from the CLSP program provided informative sessions explaining the complications of influenza, the benefits of annual vaccination, and the concept of herd immunity. The campaign emphasized protecting high-risk groups such as children and the elderly and showcased the latest scientific initiatives in the fight against influenza. Through engaging activities, the campaign also encouraged critical thinking and improved communication skills among participating students, inspiring a healthier and more informed community.
•Harm-Free Treatment: The Proper Usage of Antibiotic علاج بلا ضرر الاستخدام الصحيح للمضادات الحيوية 09 ديسمبر2024 المدرسة الثانوية الأولى بالمبرز للبنات
On December 9, 2024, the CLSP at KSAU-HS Alahsa organized a community service activity focused on raising awareness about antimicrobial resistance and its impact on public health. The campaign targeted school students at First high school for girls in Almubaraz and included sections that introduced the concept of antimicrobial resistance, clarified the difference between antibiotics and antimicrobials, and highlighted proper antimicrobial use and contraindications. The activity also emphasized the vital role of laboratory technologists in combating antimicrobial resistance. Through engaging presentations and interactive discussions, students learned about the importance of responsible antimicrobial use, fostering healthier behaviors and better understanding of this global challenge.
| 6 | Yes | CLSP1 | | | Name of Event: The First Aids
Date and Time: 17/02/ 2022 (9:00 am – 1:00 pm)
Place of Event: High school techers Number of participants:10 students, 1full time faculties, Number of attendees:approximately 50 Event Description:The reason for conducting a first aid activity is to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to provide immediate assistance in emergency situations. It aims to empower individuals to act quickly and effectively in cases of injury or illness, promoting safety and well-being within the community. Through this activity, students can learn how to assess and respond to different medical emergencies, potentially saving lives in critical situations
Name of Event: Vital signs booth Date and Time: From 16/05/ 2022 to 19/05/2022 (12:00 pm – 1:00 pm) Place of Event: COAMS-M/COAMS-F corridor Number of participants: 10 students, 3 full time faculties, Number of attendees: approximately 100 Booth Description:A booth to check for students vital signs such as : HR, BP , Temp ,ECG , BR and O2 sat. Explore the Vital Sign Station activity to enhance students' practical skills by measuring vital signs from station visitors. This hands-on experience boosts confidence in assessing health and contributes to community well-being.
Name of Event: حياتك اغلى Date and Time: 7 /06/2022(09:00 pm – 12:00 pm) Place of Event: National Guard Al ahssa Number of participants: 9 students, 3 full time faculties, Number of attendees: approximately 100 Event Description: Involvement of the department's students in the anti-farmers campaign organized by the Officers Center in the National Guard
Name of event:World Diabetes Day Date and time: 22 /12/2022 (16:00 pm to 20:00 pm) Place of Event:Alahsa Municipality Number of participants:9 students 3 full time faculties Number of attendees:Approximately 130 Event description:Emergency Department students on World Diabetes Day raised awareness by setting up informative booths. They addressed inquiries about diabetes, prevention, and treatment, offering screenings, brochures, and gifts
| 1 | Yes | EMS | | | Name
of event : Health
innovation Hackathon Date
and time:29
Place of Event: at COAMS- KSAU-HS
Number of participants:30
students 3
full time faculties
Number of attendees: Approximately 300
Event description:The annual program organized by the Student Affairs Deanship at King Saud bin Abdulaziz
University for Health Sciences brings together innovators to present innovative
solutions and projects in the healthcare field. Name of Event: Anti drugs campaign Date and Time: 2 /05/2023 (09:00 pm – 12:00 pm) Place of Event: National Guard Al ahssa Number of participants: 12 students, 3 full time faculties, Number of attendees: approximately 100 Event Description:Involvement of the department's students in the anti-farmers campaign organized by the Officers Center in the National Guard.
of event : Deep
Dive into Your Major.
Date and time:11/12/2023 (12:00 pm)
Place of Event: at COAMS- KSAU-HS.
Number of participants: 3 students
Number of attendees: Approximately 30
Event description:This
particular activity, titled "Deep Dive into Your Major," invites
students to attend and participate in a journey aimed at answering their
questions and addressing their inquiries related to their academic
specialization. It serves as a platform for students to interact, seek advice,
and gain insights into their chosen field of study.
of event: Paramedics in KSAU Walk event (كاساو تمشي
Date and time:14/12/2023 (12:00 pm)
Place of Event:at COAMS- KSAU-HS.
Number of participants:8 students
Number of attendees: Approximately 80
Event description:With
the presence of the medical team from EMS program, the University , represented
by the Deanship of Student Affairs, in collaboration with the College of
Nursing, organized the “KSAU Walk" activity at the university city in Al-Ahsa. The
aim was to encourage all university staff to engage in walking. Additionally,
awareness corners highlighted the importance of exercise.
| 2 | Yes | EMS | | | Name
of event: وعيك قد ينقذ روحا. (First Aid)Date and time: 21/04/2024 (09:00 am- 11:30 am)
Place of Event: at COAMS- KSAU-HS.
Number of participants: 6 students and 2 fulltime
Number of attendees:
Approximately 50
Event description:In
collaboration with the EMS program, the Red Crescent presents an educational
lecture on first aid, with the participation of Norah Al-Jaber School. The
lecture included first aid for critical medical conditions such as
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and wound care Name
of event: Health Sciences Conference Date and time:03/03/2024 to 05/03/2024 Place of Event: at COAMS- KSAU-HS.
Number of participants: 3 students
Number of attendees: Approximately 150
Event description: The
program organized multiple workshops at the health science conference, in addition to a dedicated booth
for the EMS program.
1- EMS
Program booth
2-12 Lead mastery by Dr. Ahmed alanazy and Mr. Saleh Alswaidan 3-Developing AI in preventing and managing disasters by Dr. Abdullah Alruwaili , Mr. Ahmed AldAWOOD, Ms. Amna Alrayhan and Ms. Layan Alsubaie
of event:Saaef – First aid ( ساعف) Date
and time: 22/04/2024 (09:00 am- 12:00 pm) Place
of Event:High School (Future Vision
International School) Number
of participants: 9
students and 1 fulltime faculty. Number
of attendees: Approximately 100 Event
program organized and conducted an activity on first aid with EMS program
students. to educate high school
students with the knowledge and skills needed to provide immediate assistance
in emergency such as burn, wounds choking and cardiopulmonary arrest.
| 3 | Yes | EMS | | | - Ali Abdulmohsin Albandri
- Ahmed Abdullah Alshehri
- Abdullah Mohammed A Alarabi
- Mohammed Adnan J Alhilal
- Mohammed Bakar K Alawad
- Ahmed Mohammed A Almulhim
- Ali Hassan A Albakheet
- Hassan Yousef Alghafli
- Ahmed Abdullah Alkhawajah
- Ammar Abdul Elah Alammar
- Saad Mohammed Almusaad
- Hassan Hussain Altulayhi
- Muath Abdullah Al Majhad
- Aamjd Yousef Almutawah
- Abdulmohsin Saleh Alkalifah
- Mohammed A Alabdulmuhsin
| 1 | Yes | Alumnim | | | - Marym Mohammed Alshaqaqiq
- Zahra Jawad Alibrahim
- Zahra Mousa Almousa
- Nourah Abdullah Al Mulhem
- Amenah Ibrahim Al Raihan
- Raja Saad Boudi
- Raghad Ahmed Almulhim
- Albatul Abdullah Alhafufi
- Baynah Fahad Almulhim
- Badiahh Ibrahim Al Hulaybi
| 1 | Yes | Alumnif | | | - Mohammed Al Ghasham
- Mohammed Al Saed
- Nawaf Al Taher
- Saad Alawad
- Ali Alghadeer
- Abdullah Aljaber
- Ahmad Alothman
- Ammar Alsalman
- Mohammed Alsuqur
- Hussain Alwabari
- Fahad Al Muhaisen
- Hamzah Alyousef
- Yahia Kariri
- Abdullah Al Khamis
| 2 | Yes | Alumnim | | | - Ibrahim Mohammed Alhussain
- Abdulraouf Salman Alhomoud
- Ali Salman Baqer Alhajji
- Hassan Ali Abdullah Alobaid
- Sajjad Mohammed I Al-Gafly
- Ahmed Abbas A. Aldawood
- Saleh Husain H Alswaidan
- Ahmed Ali A Alomran
- Ridha Yousef A Alboholaigah
- Mohammed Adel M Al-Duhaish
- Hassan Hadi A Alhassan
- Abdulkarim Ahmad A Hzazi
- Khallad Khalid A Alabdulqader
- Mohammed Nasser A Alsalem
- Nawaf Ali A Altaher
- Saud Ahmed A Alasmri
- Mohammed. Essa M Alniniyaa
- Abdullah Musaad A Almulhim
| 3 | Yes | Alumnim |