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​​​​​​COAMS –A Library have access of a number of well-known Medical databases through DLS including UpToDate, Science Direct, Clinical Key, Springer Link and many more. 
                          ​List of Medical Databases access through DLS

AAP Journals
Access Medicine
3.      Access Pharmacy
4.      American Medical Association Journals (JAMA)
5.      BMJ Best Practice
6.      BMJ: British Medical Journal
7.      CINAHL Complete
8.      Clinical Key
9.      Clinical Pharmacology
10.  Clinical Skills (Nursing Skills)
11.  Clinical Key for Nursing
12.  Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source
13.  DynaMed Plus(EBSCO)
14.  King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Health Encyclopedia-KAAHE
15.  Ovid - YourJournals@Ovid
16.  Oxford Journals
17.  PLOS
18.  PubMed
19.  Q Science (HBKU Press)
20.  Science Direct
21.  SciFinder
22.  SpringerLink
23.  UpToDate
24.  Wiley-Blackwell