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 Faculty Google Scholar Account Link

​COAMS Faculty's Google Scholar Account ​ ​
NamePositionGoogle Scholar Link
Prof. Abdelmoneim SuliemanProgram Director, Professor of Radiological Sciences ​
Prof. Abdelmoneim Sulieman Google Scholar Account
Prof. Zafar Iqbal 


Dr. Zafar Iqbal Google Scholar Account
Dr. Nawaf Alanazi

Associate Professor,Dean
Dr. Nawaf Alanazi Google Scholar Account
​Dr. Tarig Karar
​Associate Professor, Acting Chairperson Basic Science and English Department 
Dr. Tarig Karar Google Scholar Account
​Dr. Abdulaziz Albahr
​Assistant Professor
Dr. Abdulaziz Albahr Google Scholar Account​
​​​Dr. Abdulelah Alkhateeb​Assistant ProfessorDr. Abdulelah Alkhateeb Google Scholar Account
Dr. Abdullah Al Ruwaili
Assistant Professor, Program Director of Emergency Medical Services Program
Dr. Abdullah Al Ruwaili Google Scholar Account
Dr. Ahmad Al AnazyAssistant Dr. Ahmad Al Anazy Google Scholar Account
Dr. Alzahra AlShayeb
Assistant Professor
Dr. Alzahra AlShayeb Google Scholar Account
​Dr. Bandar Faqihi​
​​Assistant Professor​​
Dr. Bandar Faqihi Google Scholar Account
Dr. Bibi Mariam
​Assistant Professor
Dr. Bibi Mariam Google Scholar Account
Dr. Bshayer Alhamad
Assistant Professor, Program Director of Respiratory Therapy program
Dr. Bshayer Alhamad Google Scholar Account
Dr. Fahad H. Al-Enazi

Assistant Professor
Dr. Lubna Al-Naim
Assistant Professor, Program Director of Clinical Nutrition Program
DR. LUBNA AL NAIM Google Scholar Account
Dr. Mohammed Al MohainiAssistant Professor
Mohammed Al Mohaini Google Scholar Account
Dr. Najla Khateeb
Assistant Professor
Dr. Najla Khateeb Google Scholar Account
​Dr. Noran Aboalela

Assistant Professor, Program Director of Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program
Dr. Noran Aboalela Google Scholar Account
Dr. Nowaf AlobaidiAssistant ProfessorDr. Nowaf Alobaidi Google Scholar Account
​Dr. Sahar AlHakeem

Assistant ProfessorDr. Sahar AlHakeem Google Scholar Account
Dr. Turki Alanazi
Assistant Professor
Dr. Turki Alanazi Google Scholar Account
Mr. Ahmad Almamary

Mr. Ahmad Almamary Google Scholar Account​
Mr. Fozan Ahmad
Mr. Fozan Ahmad Google Scholar Account
Ms. Kanza Adeel
Ms. Kanza Adeel Google Scholar Account
Ms. Maha Alomari

Ms. Maha Alomari Google Scholar Account
Mr. Mohammed Gayasuddin Lecturer
Mr. Mohammed Gayasuddin Google Scholar Account
Mr. Mohammed Sajid
Mr. Mohammed Sajid Google Scholar Account
​Paramasivan Mani
​Lecturer, Acting Program Director of Occupational Therapy
Paramasivan Mani Google Scholar Account
Qasim Rababa’h
Qasim Rababa’h Google Scholar Account
​Ms. Rehab Abubakr

Mr. Sameer Tasslaq
Lecturer Mr. Sameer Tasslaq Google Scholar Account
Senthil Vadivel
 Senthil Vadivel​ Google Scholar Account
​Suresh Melamalai
Suresh Melamalai Google Scholar Account
Ms. Zahra Al Hammar
Ms. Zahra Al Hammar Google Scholar Account