The Department of Basic Sciences is preliminary designed to offer the two-year pre-professional preparatory curriculum to all students enrolled in King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. The department is a multidisciplinary unit that provides all the basic and basic medical science foundation courses for all students admitted to the University before enrollment into their perspective colleges. Basic science and basic medical science courses are offered to students in the second semester of their first year and continue throughout the second year in the College of Science and Health Professions. These courses that are taught in the department involve both classroom instruction and laboratory sessions utilizing the latest available technology. Currently, the Basic Sciences Department has more than 30 faculty members who have internationally recognized qualifications and have excellent teaching experience to support the University in achieving its curricular goals. The department members include teaching faculty for Basic Science and Basic Medical Science courses. In addition to the responsibility of teaching their perspective courses, faculty are encouraged to apply for funding and get involved in research projects according to their specialty.
Mission of the Department
The aim of the department is to prepare students to join their perspective colleges by providing them with a solid education and knowledge in basic science and basic medical science courses and to introduce students to real academic university environment.
1. Providing students with the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of basic health sciences.
2. Enhance the level of faculty members and the technical and administrative staff to support the educational process.
3. Work on developing the department's courses to keep up with the latest scientific developments.
4. Encouraging faculty members to conduct scientific research in the fields available to the department, to participate in scientific conferences, and to cooperate with other departments in the university.
Services Provided by the Department
Basic Science courses include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science and health informatics, Biostatistics, Research Skills, Medical Terminology, Behavioral Science, Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology & Molecular Genetics, Basic Pharmacology, and Histology & Human Development.
Department's Contact MaleJeddah (+966-011) 4299999 Ext. 45402
Department's Contact Female
Jeddah (+966-011) 4299999 Ext. 45667