​Volunteers for the NGHA vaccination campaign

We are recruiting volunteers for the NGHA vaccination campaign that will be main held in the KSAU-HS sports complex. It is our responsibility towards the society to help all efforts to curb the effect of COVID-19 on everyone and aid in all preventative measures, including vaccinations. The vaccination campaign will be running from the 1st of March until May on a large scale and your help will be welcomed. Please reply by the end of 14th of February. Of course all volunteers will receive certificates, provided they volunteer for a minimum of 12 hours.​

Click here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=GgHvTxXscUGykxsQvFL9oUFgoWq-HHNGhS4TV0RTMs9UQ0JTR1hOV1RNQVlWUVVTWVZESDJJNllUSy4u​