CON-A laboratory is a workplace where students prepare for the practice in the real world. Keeping lab climate clean and safe is recommended through the following:
Good Personal Habits:
• Develop the habit of keeping hands clean to prevent self-inoculation with infectious agents.
• Wear gloves, goggles and masks or face shields when needed while working in the Lab.
• Practice frequent hand washing, especially after removing gloves and other protective wear and before leaving the laboratory.
Lab rules:
Food and drink are not allowed inside the laboratories.
Student uniform includes :
• Light blue scrubs
• White Lab coat with official logo, it must be clean and worn all the time inside the laboratories.
• Hair must be clean and tied back in such a way to avoid contamination and interference with laboratory equipment.
• Shoes should be whit, comfortable and enclose the entire foot.
• Fingernails must be clean and short.
• Jewelry must be conservative in appearance
Infection Control:
Standard Precautions represent minimum infection prevention measures that apply to all patient care. Standard Precautions include guidelines on:
• Hand hygiene
• Use of personal protective equipment
• Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
• Safe injection practices
• Safe handling of potentially contaminated equipment or surfaces.
Needle Safety:
Needles provided for practice of injection should be used in the lab only when the teaching assistants or faculty are present for assistance
Injection practice will only occur on the manikins or practice injection pads provided in the lab.
According to IPP CSL 010 / AY 14-15
• Sharps containers are available and be kept in an easy accessible location in each lab.
• All sharps must be disposed of in the approved sharps containers by the person who used it.
• Staff or students exposed to needle stick or sharp injuries will report immediately to employee Health Clinic
Physical Space:
Nursing laboratories are keen to provide a convenient environment for student, Through environmental services and continuous maintenance services.