| Self-Service Password Reset System
Self-manage KSAU-HS accounts information and password. This includes password change, password reset and unlock, for more information and help click here.
Office 365
Access to your Microsoft productivity platform.
| (OPAC) Library Information Management System
Online public access catalog or An online library catalog, it is an electronic bibliographic database that describes the books, videotapes, periodicals, etc. carried by all KSAU-HS libraries including CON-A Library. The online library catalog evolved from a printed source, the library card catalog.It Helps patrons to search latest books titles added and checking the availability and updated textbooks at CON-A or other KSAU-HS libraries.
| University Research Profile(URP) system URP system is used to provide research statistics classified per faculty, college, region..etc. Also, to collect data for the Program accreditation in the University.
| E-Gate
Access to KSAU-HS e-services Gate
| Faculty Online Learning Platform
Electronic Learning & Online Teaching
| Staff Oracle System
The Oracle e-Services are aimed to help the employees in accessing their vital personal information, managing required tasks, financial accounts and properties, tracking maintenance of assets and other department specific applications. Oracle Applications can also provide alerts and reports to some privileged users.
| CON-A Staff Directory
College of Nursing AlAhsa staff directory
| KSAU-HS Staff Communication Phonebook
KSAU-HS staff communicationin Alahsa, Riyadh and Jeddah Brances
| Transfer-Promotion Portal
Automate the entire applying process.
| Faculty Promotion System Automate the entire applying process.
| NGHA Users Self Service Password Reset System
The NGHA ISID self-services aim to help NGHA employees to personally reset their passwords.
شاورني - Academic Counseling Unit System
ACUS is an electronic platform that has been developed for Academic
Adviser Counseling Unit (AACU) at Collage of Nursing (CON) at King Saud
bin Abdul-Aziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS).