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KSAU-HS ​​Email


Office 365​

Access to your Microsoft productivity platform​.
Self-Service Password Reset System

Self-manage KSAU-HS accounts information and password. This includes password change, password reset and unlock, for more information and help click here.



Student Information System

(OPAC) Library Information Management System

Online public access catalog or An online library catalog, it is an electronic bibliographic database that describes the books, videotapes, periodicals, etc. carried by all KSAU-HS libraries including CON-A Library.
The online library catalog evolved from a printed source, the library card catalog.It Helps patrons to search latest books titles added and checking the availability and updated textbooks at CON-A or other KSAU-HS libraries.

Elective Course Online Registration System​

Provides students the ability to register their Elective courses online.


Identification letter Manual

Etmam Manual

Makeup exam manual
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Etmam Manual​​


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