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Q1. What are the conditions to being accepted to the Collage of Nursing?

For Bachelor of Nursing applicants, please check here

For Masters in Midwifery Nursing, please check here


Q2. How can I apply?

  • For graduate programs, you can apply  through King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences website in accordance to the rules and regulations stated on the following link:
  • For undergraduate programs, you can apply through the unified admission for governmental universities in the Riyadh area in accordance to the rules, regulations and dates announced in the following link:


Q3. Where can I call for any inquiries?

Check here for your reference to contact information in all regions.


Q4. What are the disciplines that the applicant can apply to in KSAU-HS and what is the degree that she shall receive?

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree (General Nursing)
  • Master of Science in Nurse Midwifery Degree


Q5. When can I apply?

You can follow up on applications and announced dates through the King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences website on the following link:


Q6. Are there any tuition fees for studying at the College of Nursing?

There are no tuition fees and studying is for free but the applicant must meet all the requirements.


Q7. Do I need to pay anything in order to get in?

On the contrary, you will be paid a monthly allowance.


Q8. How long is the study period at the College of Nursing?

  • For Bachelor of Nursing Degree, four years plus the internship year.
  • For Masters in Midwifery Nursing Degree, two years.


Q9. Does the College provide transportation for students?

No, it does not.


Q10. What are the official studying hours?

Lectures start from 08:00 a.m. until 05:00 p.m.


Q11. Can I transfer from any College or University to the College of Nursing?

The transfer is done internally between King Saud bin Abdulaziz nursing colleges in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al-ahsa if you get approval from the College you are transferring to.


Q12. Can I transfer from a Nursing College in another University to the KSAU-HS Nursing College?

Currently that is not possible.


Q13. What is the student uniform for the College?

You need to wear a blue scrub suit and a labcoat with the KSAU-HS logo.  You will be given the uniform when you get enrolled to the College.

Q14. What’s the location of the College?

Check here for your reference to the college location in all regions