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PhD in Nursing


Bachelor of Science in Nursing

​Bachelor in Education and Chemistry

Major Interests/ Working Fields​

​​Psychiatric mental health nursing

Nursing education
​Community health

​Recent research activities/ publications

​Fisher KM, Bonacquisti LM, Alhazmi R, Shattuck M and Parker P. Exercise as a Strategy for Healthy Brain Aging: A Pilot St​udy. Austin J Nurs Health Care. 2021; 8(1): 1056. 

Fisher, K. Alhazmi, R., & Bonacquisti, L.(2020). Metaphoric Reflections on Caregiving and Dementia: A Secondary Analysis. ENRS, Boston, MA.

​Alhazmi, R., L., Bonacquisti, L., & Fisher, K (2020, May 20-23). Metaphor Identification Procedure: A Method Applied to Discourses of Caregiving Experiences in Dementi​a. ICQI, Urbana, Illinois (Conference canceled).​


Bonacquisti, L., Alhazmi, R., & Fisher, K (2020, May 20-23). Reading between the lines: Identifying positives amongst formal and informal caregivers of persons with dementia. ICQI, Urbana, Illinois (Conference canceled).​​


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