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                • Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, 2023

                  ​Master of Science in Nursing, 2005 (Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing)

                  Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 1998 ​


Major Interests/ Working Fields

​Integrated research-based knowledge from nursing.

Social media's impact on teen mental health.

Coping with stress in college.

Exercise and mental well-being.

​Work stress management techniques​

Recent research activities/ publications

Published research paper on ‘’Quality of Life among children with Cerebral Palsy- A pilot study’’ in the (Web of Science) International ​​Journal of Early childhood special Education, May, 2022​


Published review paper on “Feeding interventions for CP children” in the International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal, Volume - 8, Issue - 3, MARCH - 2022

Presented research paper on “Diabetes Prevalence and Quality of Life of Female Nursing Students’’ at the Fourth Annual Research Forum for CAMS-Jeddah held at KSAU-HS, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 20th January 2022

Presented Poster on “Telepsychiatry and comprehensive mental health India” during the Sixth Health Professions Conference held at KSAU-HS on 25-27 January 2022, Riyadh, KSA


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