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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Dear students

Welcome to the new ​ academic year. This marks your two years' of professional program for the nursing profession.

Please find the orientation on the major nursing departments units that are working collaboratively to ensure that yo​u are given quality education and experiences to mold you as our future nurses. Wish you the best of luck​​​​

​​​Academic Affairs​​​​
​ ​Academic Advising And Cou​​nseling Unit
Assessme​nt Unit​
Nursing D​e​​partment​​Nursing​ Skills LabClinical Affairs
Research UnitLibrary Services
Student Affairs
​ Social Worker
Community Activities
Community Services Unit
​​​​​Information Technology Unit
​InternshipScholarship Unit
Development and Quality Assurance Unit
​​​​Extracurricu​lar Activities Unit​University health center (UHC)